Waking Up To Mould And Its Impact On Your Health

WAKING UP TO MOULD AND ITS IMPACT ON YOUR HEALTH with Reine DuBois Allow me to share a recent personal experience that vividly illustrates the immediate and tangible effects of mould exposure. During a recent stay at a hotel on New Year’s Eve, my husband and I were assigned a ground-floor room in an old […]
Get the GIST on HIST

GET THE GIST ON HIST with Renee Dyson-Holland Imbalances in Histamine Levels: Histamine is a molecule with various functions in the body, including its role as a neurotransmitter and a key player in the immune response. When histamine levels become imbalanced, it can contribute to health problems, particularly when there is either an excess or […]
Allergies: Easing-Sneezing on my European Adventure

EASING-SNEEZING ON MY EUROPEAN ADVENTURE with Naomi Danaher As a Naturopath and Bioresonance Practitioner, I have an armamentarium of tools available to quell ailments as they surface. But, despite experiencing mild hayfever for years, I hadn’t sought relief from my personal apothecary. I catalogued these symptoms away in the ‘I’ll deal with it later’ aisle […]
Seasonal Pollen Allergens and Cross-Reactions with Foods

SEASONAL POLLEN ALLERGENS AND CROSS-REACTIONS WITH FOODS with Reine DuBois I recently had a patient consult with me for his long-term allergy symptoms of hay fever and sinusitis, along with an unresolved cough and throat clearing. His allergies had significantly affected his energy, mood, and weight due to a lack of motivation to eat well […]