Stress management techniques can make all the difference

    By Bee Osborne, Naturopath With the Bureau of Statistics revealing 75% of Australians experience stress related health effects, it is clear that stress has become a part of the modern human experience. Of those polled 51% said they were not seeking help to address their stress and the most common coping mechanism for […]

How Traditional Chinese Medicine can support your mental health

By Joshua Leishman, Acupuncturist It is estimated that one in five Australians – roughly five million people – have suffered from mental health issues over the past year. Mental illnesses are far more than feeling sad or stressed, as they can have debilitating effects on our cognition and emotional balance, but conventional medications often have […]

Moving Forward from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Written by Alexandra Preston Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition where our natural response to threat is constantly heightened. It is characterised by recurrent flashbacks, including nightmares; avoidance of reminders; and emotional over-reactivity. Any traumatic event can trigger it, such as the death of a loved one or domestic violence. As PTSD can be […]

How adrenal stress can impact thyroid function

    Written by Alexandra Preston and Reine DuBois. Featuring Kristin Zanotti and Phil Baxter. The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland that sits at the front of our throats. It contributes to a wide range of physical and mental processes, including weight control, mood, cognition, and menstruation. The Australian Thyroid Foundation lists the causes […]