Honouring The Transition From Maiden to Motherhood

by Kristin Zanotti, Naturopath The Postnatal period for a Mumma is not life as you know it; continuing with a gorgeous new bubba, life is epically and irrevocably redefined! Um… where’s the guidebook! Sure, we either know the technical stuff or work it out on the way, but what about the unspoken nuances, the honouring of […]

Integrative Medical Retreat Case Study – Health, Happiness and The Vagus Nerve

    By Reine DuBois, Clinical Director and Hannah Hempenstall, Wellness Writer Feeling lost, lonely and lacklustre? Maybe it’s not all in your head… Picture this: it’s first thing in the morning and you’ve just brushed your teeth. Next? You stick your toothbrush down your throat. The very idea of that may make you gag. […]

How adrenal stress can impact thyroid function

    Written by Alexandra Preston and Reine DuBois. Featuring Kristin Zanotti and Phil Baxter. The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland that sits at the front of our throats. It contributes to a wide range of physical and mental processes, including weight control, mood, cognition, and menstruation. The Australian Thyroid Foundation lists the causes […]

Mould Toxicity: The Problems and the Solutions

    By Reine DuBois and Alexandra Preston Australia is a land of flood and fire, but your home does not have to be swept away by floods to be a problem. Left alone, water damage can create fertile ground for toxic mould, a cause of many chronic illnesses far more common than we think. […]

Postnatal Depletion and the Path to Recovery

Featuring An Interview with Dr Oscar Serrallach MBChB, FRACGP By Emily Holler, Mother and Wellness Blogger Having a baby is widely celebrated as one of the most magical times in a woman’s life. And indeed it can be. But as many of us know all too well, new motherhood is often far from idyllic.  Pregnancy […]