As a multidisciplinary and integrative healthcare practice, we aim to create a deeper understanding of your illness and healing needs.
This begins with an in-depth exploration of your medical history and the different health markers that can signal a developing picture of chronic ill-health. As we begin to decipher your health picture, we start to understand the intricacies of your body and needs.
Through years of combined experience as integrative health professionals, we have come to recognise that through combining multiple modalities, we can create more opportunities for healing.
It is this fusion of our specialised knowledge that uncovers the diverse aspects and layers of your disease, allowing our unique team of professionals to work together and optimise your health and healing.
We have observed that the use of a combination of treatments, scheduled in the right order, creates a synergy that can magnify the effectiveness of the individual modalities and better support your healing journey.
Whether seeking out an individual practitioner or a collaborative team to support you on your healthcare journey, our integrative health professionals help to optimise and enhance your opportunities for healing.
Our practitioners understand the intricate healing mechanisms of the human body and value an integrative approach to healthcare.
Take a step into our education portal and learn directly from our Integrative Practitioners. Here you will discover educational videos and articles on key topics of health and wellbeing, including talks on mental health, diet, sleep and more.
We frequently upload new content to keep you informed of the latest evidence based health information.
It’s not until you experience ill health that you begin to understand the nuances of this quote.
At The Health Lodge, we offer a new paradigm of healthcare that takes into consideration the different layers of health and combines different approaches to optimise your wellbeing.
Our integrative health professionals recognise that through combining modalities we can create more opportunities for healing. We offer customised coordinated care programs, integrating the best modalities and treatment protocols to address your health needs.
Book a free 15 min call back from one of our team to discuss how a coordinated care or day patient program may suit your needs.
The Health Lodge recognises the Bundjalung of Byron Bay Arakwal people, the Minjungbal people and the Widjabul people as Traditional Owners and custodians for parts of the Byron Shire