Surviving Sleep Deprivation: A New Parent’s Guide

SURVIVING SLEEP DEPRIVATION: A NEW PARENT’S GUIDE with Renee Dyson-Holland Surviving Sleep Deprivation: A New Parent’s GuideHey there my Exhausted Superstars! We know new parents don’t exactly get to hit the snooze button. But there’s a big difference between sacrificing sleep and waving it goodbye completely. Read on to hear some game-changing facts and tips to […]
Sleep Awareness Week 2018

Written by Bec Farah, Naturopath The 1st to 7th October is Sleep Awareness Week and here at The Health Lodge we are excited to share with you the benefits and tips on how to get well-rested nights sleep. There’s nothing better than waking up refreshed and ready to take on the day! The Sleep Health […]
How Reine DuBois, Clinic Director & Naturopath, Manages Insomnia

As the clinical director and senior naturopath of The Health Lodge I find myself wearing many hats. In my clinical practice I treat women like myself all the time – busy with lots of expectations – I call this capable woman’s syndrome. When I have lots on my mind attempting to rest my busy brain […]