An Approach to Treating Mental Health using Acupuncture

AN APPROACH TO TREATING MENTAL HEALTH USING ACUPUNCTURE with Becky Martin Acupuncture has the ability to access the body’s nervous system, creating a balance between the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, activating the parasympathetic nervous system and creating a balance with an over activated sympathetic nervous system response. This is a fantastic tool because, although sessions often do […]

Blood Sugar and Mental Health

BLOOD SUGAR AND MENTAL HEALTH with Jessie Johns Balancing Blood Sugar Levels: The Key to Optimal Mental Health Regardless of your age, gender, or diabetes status, maintaining stable blood sugar levels is essential for your overall health. It’s the conductor of your metabolic symphony, the guardian of your mental health, and the regulator of your […]

SAMe and Mental Health: A Natural Boost for Emotional Well-being

SAMe AND MENTAL HEALTH: A NATURAL BOOST FOR EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING with Reine DuBois Mental health is a critical aspect of our overall well-being, affecting our thoughts, emotions, and behaviour. Conditions like depression, anxiety, and mood disorders can significantly impact our quality of life.  While there are various treatment options available, many individuals are turning to […]

Supporting psychological wellbeing through a deep connection with our natural environments

SUPPORTING PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING THROUGH A DEEP CONNECTION WITH OUR NATURAL ENVIRONMENTS with Simon DuBois I’ve been fortunate enough to embark on an incredibly enlightening and enriching journey lately. My latest venture has led me deep into the realm of nature connectedness – a concept also known as forest bathing and Shinrin-yoku. This deepening voyage commenced […]

Occupational Therapy from an Integrative Lens

Introducing Hayley Bowers, Occupational Therapist. As an Occupational Therapist, Hayley supports adults and teen’s living with chronic health and mental health conditions to build function and independence in their daily tasks and lives. Hayley has been shaped by her own chronic health and healing journey, which has empowered her to understand the complexities and stressors […]

What is Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy?

By Simon DuBois, Psychologist Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychological treatment that enables people to heal from the impacts of difficult and intense life experiences.  Whether it’s the impacts of an accident or abuse, EMDR can assist. It is widely assumed that emotional pain requires a long time to heal.  EMDR demonstrates […]

Stress management techniques can make all the difference

    By Bee Osborne, Naturopath With the Bureau of Statistics revealing 75% of Australians experience stress related health effects, it is clear that stress has become a part of the modern human experience. Of those polled 51% said they were not seeking help to address their stress and the most common coping mechanism for […]

How Traditional Chinese Medicine can support your mental health

By Joshua Leishman, Acupuncturist It is estimated that one in five Australians – roughly five million people – have suffered from mental health issues over the past year. Mental illnesses are far more than feeling sad or stressed, as they can have debilitating effects on our cognition and emotional balance, but conventional medications often have […]

Shining light on dementia and traumatic brain injury

    Written by Sam Gill We often take our health and independence for granted, but for many thousands of Australians affected by neurological disease or injury, even tasks such as making a cup of tea or remembering their way around a supermarket can be a distant dream. Dementia Australia estimates that there were 436,366 […]

How chronic illness effects mental health

    Written by Simon DuBois, Psychologist Being under the load of a chronic health issue is emotionally and psychologically stressful in the extreme. It creates a lot of uncertainty and fear about how we will cope. Our brains have been designed over millions of years to identify and ward off threats, but it really […]

Moving Forward from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Written by Alexandra Preston Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition where our natural response to threat is constantly heightened. It is characterised by recurrent flashbacks, including nightmares; avoidance of reminders; and emotional over-reactivity. Any traumatic event can trigger it, such as the death of a loved one or domestic violence. As PTSD can be […]