How adrenal stress can impact thyroid function

    Written by Alexandra Preston and Reine DuBois. Featuring Kristin Zanotti and Phil Baxter. The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland that sits at the front of our throats. It contributes to a wide range of physical and mental processes, including weight control, mood, cognition, and menstruation. The Australian Thyroid Foundation lists the causes […]

Splendour festival flu prevention tips

    Written by Emma McLaughlin, Integrative Naturopath If you are a “Splendour In The Grass” die-hard you’ll know that the annual pilgrimage to this iconic music festival in the hills of Byron can also come with more than a post-Splendour hangover. The Splendour Flu has almost become an urban legend, but myth it is not. […]

Mould Toxicity: The Problems and the Solutions

    By Reine DuBois and Alexandra Preston Australia is a land of flood and fire, but your home does not have to be swept away by floods to be a problem. Left alone, water damage can create fertile ground for toxic mould, a cause of many chronic illnesses far more common than we think. […]