Splendour festival flu prevention tips

Written by Emma McLaughlin, Integrative Naturopath If you are a “Splendour In The Grass” die-hard you’ll know that the annual pilgrimage to this iconic music festival in the hills of Byron can also come with more than a post-Splendour hangover. The Splendour Flu has almost become an urban legend, but myth it is not. […]
Chronic Fatigue: Unravelling the Mystery

By Emily Holler There are a number of modern diseases that are baffling medical science. Illnesses such as fibromyalgia, IBS and chronic fatigue are all poorly understood by doctors, which makes them very challenging to treat and in most cases patients are informed that their condition cannot be cured. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) […]
Staying Healthy During the Silly Season

By Emily Holler December. The most highly anticipated, dreaded and exciting month of the year! Between work Christmas parties, vacations and New Years Eve frivolities, not to mention the veritable feast we all partake in on Christmas Day itself, it becomes quite a challenge to maintain the healthy habits we have painstakingly adhered […]