Mycotoxins and its Effects on Hormones

Join Reine DuBois as she explores and explains how mycotoxins can affect the human system. Whilst mould exposure can have varied impacts on the body, this presentation focuses on mould exposure and its effects on thyroid function, oestrogen excess and oestrogen related functions. Additionally she will also delve into cortisol and cortisol levels and the adrenal fatigue part of the picture. Looking through the pathophysiology lens, this talk is designed to allow you to understand the processes happening in the body. 

Reine DuBois is a functional medicine practitioner and has worked integratively with doctors since graduating as a naturopath in 1998.  Reine is one of Australia’s leading integrative naturopaths, founder of The Health Lodge and has lectured for ACNEM, AIMA, MINDD and ANS on the powerful method of integrative medicine. Reine knows that if we work together to solve the chronic health conditions that remain a mystery to modern day medicine, we will develop a new paradigm of health solutions. She has special interests in chronic illness and complex conditions, tick borne disease, mould related illnesses, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and heavy metal toxicity.

For more information on Reine and her treatment offerings, click here