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Suffering from pelvic pain? Osteopathy can help.

Osteopathy can help with so many conditions, but if you’re suffering from pelvic pain then this is worth a read.

One of the fundamentals of osteopathy is to treat the whole person, rather than the symptoms. However, by treating the whole person, symptoms are also addressed!

An osteopath takes an approach to wellness by understanding the interrelationships of structure and function. A gentle form of therapy is utilised in the form of hands-on techniques. The aim is to treat and diagnose a range of disorders relating to pain, structure and bio-mechanical imbalances.

Think of your body as a well-oiled machine. There is a very close interplay of body systems coming together to help operate this machine, and an osteopath takes this into account when treating.

Our osteopath – Melanie Dearlove sees a wide variety of conditions and ailments however, she has a special interest in supporting women with pelvic pain.

When addressing pain in female patients, osteopathy will take in to account the complex physical, mental, emotional and social factors that can influence chronic pain development.

Pelvic pain is commonly seen in women. It’s seen even more commonly in pregnancy. Pelvic pain is often considered a silent condition, as it’s not commonly or openly spoken about. Our osteopath has a special interest in pelvic health and takes a gentle and non-invasive approach help reduce pain and improve function.

What are the signs and symptoms of pelvic pain?

  • Localised pain

  • Lower back pain

  • Weakness in the pelvic region

  • Tenderness of pubic bone

  • Pain on abdominal contraction e.g. coughing or turning over in bed

  • Musculoskeletal pain which can radiate to the upper thigs and perineum

  • Groin pain

  • Buttock pain which can radiate down the backs of the legs

  • Incontinence

  • Sexual dysfunction

What are some conditions associated with pelvic pain?

  • Menstrual irregularities

  • Endometriosis

  • Osteitis Pubis (inflammation of the pubic bone)

  • Pelvic instability in pregnancy

  • Inguinal hernia.

How can an osteopath help?

  • Improve muscular flexibility in the region

  • Improving range of motion in the lower back, hips and pelvis

  • Maintain correct alignment

  • Advice on maintaining strength and flexibility around the pelvis

  • Work closely with your health care practitioner to achieve best possible outcomes

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