This is the final presentation in the series that explores the treatment of anxiety from an integrative perspective. This presentation focuses on the benefits of Osteopathy in the treatment of anxiety. Dr Dearlove teaches us about Osteopathy as a field of practice and what approaches are used within this modality to support the person.

As a respected Osteopath in Byron Bay Dr Melanie Dearlove’s fascination with the human body, human movement and the body’s ability to heal itself began at an early age. She vividly remembers watching people and asking them why they walked in a certain way and this fascination translated into her love of movement therapy, including dance, sport, competitive aerobics, Yoga and HIIT exercise. Her passions led her to Osteopathy where she was instantly drawn to its holistic nature, as it considers the entire human body. She is now a Sutherland Craniosacral Osteopathic Practitioner and a GEMt Dry Needle Practitioner.

For more information on Melanie Dearlove and her treatment offerings, click here.