Allergies: Easing-Sneezing on my European Adventure

EASING-SNEEZING ON MY EUROPEAN ADVENTURE with Naomi Danaher As a Naturopath and Bioresonance Practitioner, I have an armamentarium of tools available to quell ailments as they surface. But, despite experiencing mild hayfever for years, I hadn’t sought relief from my personal apothecary. I catalogued these symptoms away in the ‘I’ll deal with it later’ aisle […]
Children’s and Family Health with Luke Szabo

CHILDREN’S AND FAMILY HEALTH with Luke Szabo When it comes to kids’ health and wellbeing, the foremost priority of loving parents is wanting to see their children grow up happy and healthy. Every day I see amazing Mums, Dads and Caregivers in my clinic looking to better support their children’s health needs, be it a […]
Seasonal Pollen Allergens and Cross-Reactions with Foods

SEASONAL POLLEN ALLERGENS AND CROSS-REACTIONS WITH FOODS with Reine DuBois I recently had a patient consult with me for his long-term allergy symptoms of hay fever and sinusitis, along with an unresolved cough and throat clearing. His allergies had significantly affected his energy, mood, and weight due to a lack of motivation to eat well […]
Supporting psychological wellbeing through a deep connection with our natural environments

SUPPORTING PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING THROUGH A DEEP CONNECTION WITH OUR NATURAL ENVIRONMENTS with Simon DuBois I’ve been fortunate enough to embark on an incredibly enlightening and enriching journey lately. My latest venture has led me deep into the realm of nature connectedness – a concept also known as forest bathing and Shinrin-yoku. This deepening voyage commenced […]
The Value of Women’s Health in Postpartum

THE VALUE OF WOMEN’S HEALTH IN POSTPARTUM with Naomi Jansson Something I’ve learnt from Traditional Chinese Medicine is that how we support (or not) the journey of Postpartum (after birth period) determines how a mother may feel in her experience physically and emotionally in the first years of Mothering. Did you know many cultures have […]
Top Tips from the Mother Naturopath

MOTHER MUSINGS ~ FROM A MOTHER NATUROPATH with Renee Dyson-Holland Naturopathic Tips for Long-Term Well-being Motherhood is utterly magical, transformative and like nothing else, however personally, my journey came with a lot of darkness amongst the light. IT. ALMOST. BROKE. ME. Rose coloured glasses – shattered (along with my ego) BUT, this ‘Dark Night of […]
Occupational Therapy from an Integrative Lens

Introducing Hayley Bowers, Occupational Therapist. As an Occupational Therapist, Hayley supports adults and teen’s living with chronic health and mental health conditions to build function and independence in their daily tasks and lives. Hayley has been shaped by her own chronic health and healing journey, which has empowered her to understand the complexities and stressors […]
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) for Treatment of Depression and Pain

By Simon DuBois, Psychologist The idea that an electric current through the brain might improve its functioning isn’t new. The physician of Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar described how placing live torpedo electric fish over the scalp could relieve headaches (1) . Most people associate brain stimulation treatments with electro-convulsive therapy – a psychiatric […]
What is Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy?

By Simon DuBois, Psychologist Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychological treatment that enables people to heal from the impacts of difficult and intense life experiences. Whether it’s the impacts of an accident or abuse, EMDR can assist. It is widely assumed that emotional pain requires a long time to heal. EMDR demonstrates […]
Integrative Medical Retreat Case Study – Health, Happiness and The Vagus Nerve

By Reine DuBois, Clinical Director and Hannah Hempenstall, Wellness Writer Feeling lost, lonely and lacklustre? Maybe it’s not all in your head… Picture this: it’s first thing in the morning and you’ve just brushed your teeth. Next? You stick your toothbrush down your throat. The very idea of that may make you gag. […]
Addressing pain with low-level laser therapy (cold therapy)

By Sam Gill, Chiropractor Most healthcare providers and patients are often looking for alternatives to pharmaceutical therapies when addressing various, acute and chronic, painful and inflammatory conditions. When inflammation becomes chronic it places the body under constant stress. This can interfere with your body’s healthy tissue function, resulting in permanent pain and disability, and can […]
Shining light on dementia and traumatic brain injury

Written by Sam Gill We often take our health and independence for granted, but for many thousands of Australians affected by neurological disease or injury, even tasks such as making a cup of tea or remembering their way around a supermarket can be a distant dream. Dementia Australia estimates that there were 436,366 […]